EDUCATION volunteering


Education changes the way we live; empowers us to do for ourselves what we previously needed others to do for us, and opens pathways that we didn't know existed. Education volunteering is so important as it brings self sufficiency to populations; helping them to read, communicate, and comprehend what they previously couldn’t. 

Education volunteers can change the world!

We are calling for inspired, future conscious individuals to become education volunteers. Whether you feel passionately about increasing the rates of Indigenous Australians at our universities, want to  encourage more girls to pursue maths and science, or care about bringing basic accounting to women microenterprises in Indonesia, there is work to be done. Education volunteering has the very rewarding possibility of having benefits far beyond your contribution, as families and communities are better off from increased education levels. With education volunteering you can be behind the individuals that go on to develop new farming technologies, develop GM food containing nutrients to reduce malnourishment in developing kids, or campaign for positive political change that will bring peace to their communities.  

With Vollie, volunteering is on your terms. Volunteer remotely and volunteer around your commitments. With the option of both short and long term projects, you can be an agent for change as it best suits you. Whether you are engaging social media to spread awareness of a nonprofit working to break the cycle of poverty, or engaging a teen questioning whether it is worthwhile to get his higher school certificate, you are part of the positive work that empowers the world. Use your skills and experience to assist in the education of others. Find an active project you think is a match for you and sign up! 

By partaking in education volunteering, you are helping individuals take control of their lives. By increasing literacy and numeracy in lower socio-economic populations, you are making it less likely that they might be taken advantage financially or legally in the future. By spreading awareness of the benefits of staying in school for longer you are giving kids the option of other career paths to fall back on if they decide that a trade isn’t for them. Help open all the doors with education volunteering.

Education volunteering with charities on Vollie

Don't have a PhD or run a tutoring practice in your spare time; no need to worry! We need people who believe in education to be education volunteers. Be a role model today.