Online volunteering Gold Coast


We all know the Gold Coast is renowned for its sunshine and beaches – and we haven’t forgotten your theme parks. It’s a beautiful part of the country to live in. And the beauty of volunteering with Vollie is that you can stay right there on the Gold Coast. You don’t have to go where the work is – it comes to you. You don’t have to commute at all. Good eh? Read on and learn about volunteering Gold Coast.

What does it take to volunteer on the Gold Coast?

Volunteering from the comfort of your own home is an exciting opportunity. As one of our digital volunteers Gold Coast, you can pursue causes you are passionate about in your spare time, or use the opportunities to add to your portfolio while adding great value to Vollie.  

You can work from your home, the nearby café, or even the beach. How good is that?  You can listen to waves or rock out to tunes on your headphones while you work. That’s the beauty of it – as beautiful as your part of the world. (we’re quite envious of our volunteers Gold Coast you know!)  Working with passionate teams doesn’t mean that you have to compromise on your lifestyle. Virtual volunteers Gold Coast can work for rewarding short-term or long-term projects that fit their daily routine.

We acknowledge at Vollie that the charities and non-profits we respect do not house all the talent they need. That’s why they need volunteers Gold Coast on their side. With the expertise and knowledge you already have, you have the opportunity to make projects bigger, user-interest higher, and direct effects greater. You have the opportunity to help around the world, using the qualifications that you already have. So if you know your way around website design or have some fundraising experience up your Hawaiian shirt sleeve, we invite you to make use of that in the volunteering opportunities Gold Coast team.

Fill in your details, scan the volunteers Gold Coast opportunities or the causes and not-profits you are interested, and apply as soon as you’re ready.

What skills do you need to apply for volunteering roles on the Gold Coast?

We’re after your virtual skills to apply to the causes you’d like to be involved in. So you’d like to work with animals or raise funds for underprivileged children? It doesn’t matter if you’ve never had the time or past experience in these causes. Your digital volunteering Gold Coast future starts here!

Web design wizards, Human Resources management, copywriting gurus, educators, digital marketing peeps, social media movers and shakers, fundraising funsters – all of these and more will float our boat and let you take pride in playing a part and having an impact on society.                                

Also, good communication and patience, the confidence and urge to learn new things: these soft skills are also prized for our virtual volunteers Gold Coast roles. So put the surfboard aside for a couple of minutes, and get started by entering your profile.